For Sale By Owners (FSBO’s)
Most “For Sale by Owners” (FSBO’s) will cooperate in the sale of their property with a real
estate agent. Their goal in marketing the property without an agent’s help is usually to avoid
paying the typical listing agent’s 5% or 6% commission rate.After placing their “For Sale by Owner” sign on the lawn, sellers may receive several calls from agents claiming to have interested buyers. The agent usually asks the seller to sign a listing agreement, however, before presenting an offer.Since we never list properties, our goal in contacting a FSBO is simply to find the best property for our buyer. We do ask sellers to pay us a commission of 2%. Most sellers agree that our commission rate is fair, and by cooperating with us, they are assured that
all legally required disclosures and requirements are met. We have enjoyed tremendous success in representing our clients on “For Sale By Owner” properties. We work for our standard 2% commission and we ensure that all the necessary legal documentation is handled properly for the buyer’s and seller’s protection.
If you are selling as a FSBO, we will gladly share that information with our buyer clients.